Know your EIA facts.

Project overview

A 10 mile long (16 km), multi-modal and multi-tiered corridor:

  • Section 1 (under construction) – Hirst Road to Woodland Drive
  • Section 2 – Woodland Drive to Lookout Road
  • Section 3 – Lookout Road to Frank Sound Road
  • Will T Connector – Improvements to the local road network providing access to Section 2

The EWA EIA study applies to Section 2 and Section 3.

Alternative routes

As part of the EIA process, a number of alternative routes have been and are being evaluated beyond the original route alignment shown during the development of the Terms of Reference.

Click to download more information about the alternatives routes evaluation process.

longlist evaluation

During the Longlist Evaluation, five alternative routes (see map) were assessed based on conceptual-level design. The study evaluated whether each alternative could meet the project needs, along with high-level potential impacts to environmental and socioeconomic features and engineering considerations. The steering committee, along with directive from PAHI, identified four alternatives to move forward to the Shortlist Evaluation.

shortlist evaluation

Four potential routes for the EWA are currently being considered. Each area of study examines the possible effects of the potential alternatives. This leads to informed decision-making and the opportunity to choose the most suitable alternative, called the Preferred Alternative. The map you see displays the Shortlist of Alternatives. The EIA Study Team is currently conducting the Shortlist Evaluation.

Understanding the Alternatives Analysis Process

The focus of the alternatives analysis is to ensure that the project’s design provides the best possible outcome for meeting the existing and projected travel needs while effectively preserving the environment and accommodating the needs of the surrounding communities.

EIA phases

  1. Proposal Phase
  2. DOE Screening Phase
  3. Scoping Phase
  4. ToR Phase

    ToR Public Comment Phase
  5. Environmental Statement and Environmental Management Plan Phase

    Alternatives Analysis Phase

    ES Public Comment Phase ← WE ARE HERE

  6. Decision Phase
  7. Implementation Phase