The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process is a legal requirement under Section 43 of the National Conservation Act (2013). On 29 June 2016, The National Conservation Council Directive for Environmental Impact Assessments was gazetted. An EIA is an important tool in assessing the potential effects of a project such as the East-West Arterial (EWA). The EIA gives decision-makers information on the travel and socio-economic needs the project would meet and the potential environmental consequences of undertaking the project. This information helps the public and the decision-makers understand the impacts of project proposals before they make any decisions.

No, the EIA does not make decisions. The EIA is a scientific study of the potential impacts the EWA could have on various aspects of the human and natural environments. It provides scientific information to the public and for the decision-makers, allowing them to make an informed decision about the proposed project.

An EIA refers to the scientific study that provides information on the potential impacts of a proposed project. The Environmental Statement (ES) is the written document that communicates the scientific information that the EIA project team gathered. Decision-makers will review the ES when making future plans for the EWA.

The proposed EWA Extension corridor was initially planned and gazetted in May 2005 by the NRA, in the Cayman Islands Gazette Extraordinary no. 13/2005. This is in accordance with Section 25 of the Roads Law (2000 Revision), now Section 26 under the Roads Law (2005 Revision) which is a long-term projection of road corridors..

The EIA’s alternatives analysis phase is considering the gazetted corridor along with several other alternate routes to determine which one provides the greatest benefit to Cayman quality of life and the least environmental impacts. Decision-makers will then decide if the gazetted corridor is the most suitable route for the EWA to take or if one of the alternatives is more suitable.

Please note that the original gazette was under section 25 (initially), now 26 (4) (long term projections of road corridors) see Road Law (2005 revision).

The EIA examines travel needs along with both the natural and human environments, and potential consequences to both those spheres. Along with impacts to socio-economic considerations like east-west accessibility and natural considerations like wetlands, the EIA also examines areas where human and natural overlap, such as the cultural value of Grand Cayman’s unique natural resources. The EIA provides a holistic view of anticipated benefits to economy and quality of life, potential environmental impacts, and also evaluates possibilities for avoidance, minimization, and mitigation of unavoidable impacts.

Yes. When the draft ES is completed, it will be made available for public review and comment. As soon as the public comment period is scheduled, more information on how to view and comment will be available on this website and on NRA’s social media channels.

Critical Success Factors (CSFs) are the key objectives and goals the project is designed to accomplish. The CSFs are continuously evaluated during the alternatives analysis process. The CSFs for the EWA Extension include criteria like supporting future travel demand and improving resiliency. The CSFs for this project are as follows:

Criteria Target
a. Create an alternative travel route to the existing two-lane Bodden Town Road Provide for an alternative roadway facility to accommodate travel in the event of a roadway closure
b. Improve resiliency of the existing roadway travel route between North Side/East End and George Town/West Bay Improve resiliency of the travel route to flooding from sea level rise, storm surge, wave overtopping, and rainfall
c. Support current and future traffic demand Provide travel lanes necessary to accommodate projected trips/vehicles

Provide controlled access points to enter roadway facility

d. Improve travel time between North Side/East End and George Town/West Bay Projected travel time between North Side/East End and George Town/ West Bay
e. Accommodate utility expansion (electricity, fiber, water, central sewerage system) * Establish area adjacent to roadway to provide for utility needs
f. Provide opportunity to safely accommodate and expand public transportation * Establish public transportation facilities that include bus pull offs

Improve bus travel time reliability

g. Reduce tourism travel time between North Side/East End and George Town Reduce travel times between Owen Roberts International Airport and the North Side

Reduce travel time between Grand Cayman Cruise Port (George Town Cruise Port) and Bodden Town/North Side/East End

h. Improve safe vehicular travel by reducing roadway conflict points Number of Cross Street Intersections along the primary east-west corridor

Number of Driveway Access Points along the primary east-west corridor

i. Provide opportunity for enhanced and safe pedestrian and bicycle travel Establish dedicated pedestrian and bicycle facilities adjacent to vehicular travel lanes
*These criteria are to provide opportunities to accommodate these features. It is outside of ambit of the NRA to provide public transportation or utilities